Public Q&A: Housing

Topic: Housing
Commit to provide 150,000 new social homes a year. End ‘right to buy’, so that these homes can belong to communities forever. Empower local authorities to introduce rent controls. End no-fault evictions. Introduce a Fairer, Greener Homes Guarantee to ensure warm, safe home. Transform the planning system so new developments come with access to public services and green spaces are protected. campaign to change building regulations so all new homes meet Passivhaus or equivalent
Party Manifesto

Commit to update the National Policy Planning Framework to undo damaging Conservative & restore mandatory housing targets. More planning officers funded by increase in rate of the stamp duty surcharge paid by non-UK residents. Take a brownfield first approach and prioritise release of lower quality ‘grey belt’ land. Reform compulsory purchase compensation rules. Prioritise building of new social rented homes with changes to the Affordable Homes Programme.
Party Manifesto

Commit to 380,000 new homes a year including 150,000 social homes. banning no-fault evictions, make three-year tenancies the default, and creating a
national register of licensed landlords. Give local authorities the right end Right to Buy. Scrap the Vagrancy Act. Abolish residential leaseholds and capping ground rents to a nominal fee. Build ten new garden cities.          
Party Manifesto