Public Q&A: Environment & Nature

Topic: Environment and nature

Commit to set aside 30% of our land and seas by 2030 in which nature will receive the highest priority and protection. All new-built homes will be required to maximise the use of solar panels and heat pumps or equivalent low carbon technologies. Take water companies back into public ownership. All planning applications will be required to include whole-life carbon and energy calculations. Demolition to require a full planning application or inclusion in a local development order. Rights of Nature Act giving legal personhood to nature.
Party Manifesto

Commit to a new Clean Power Alliance - a coalition for cutting edge of climate action. Create nine new National River Walks, one in each region of England,
and establish three new National Forests in England and planting millions of trees / woodlands. Put failing water companies under special measures to clean up our water. Give regulators new powers to block executive bonuses for those who pollute waterways. On a mission to create a world free from poverty on a liveable planet.
Party Manifesto

Commit to hold big companies to account by making them protect the environment. Ban water companies from dumping raw sewage into rivers, lakes and coastal areas. Cut resource use, waste and pollution by accelerating transition to a more circular economy and maximise recovery, reuse, recycling and remanufacturing of products. Every new car and small van sold from 2030 is zero-emission, investing in active travel and public transport, electrifying Britain’s railways, and reducing the climate impact of flying.
Party Manifesto