Public Q&A: Crime & Policing

Topic: Crime & Policing
Commit to expand restorative justice. Renew court system with a £2.5bn investment. £11bn to restore the Ministry of Justice budget and tackle court backlogs End routine use of stop and search and facial recognition software. Fitness to practice checks on officers and civilian staff. Access to data to enable effective scrutiny of operational policing. Make misogyny a hate crime and end violence against women and girls. Decriminalise sex work. UK-wide strategy to tackle gender-based violence. Set up diversion programmes for all low-level drug and alcohol related offences and for young offenders arrested for low-level offences.
Party Manifesto

Commit to restore neighbourhood policing and recruit thousands of new police officers and police and community support officers. Set up a Police Efficiency and collaboration programme. Specialist rape and sexual offences teams in
every police force. Crack down on carrying illegal weapons. Local prevention
partnerships to identify and intervene with young people who may be drawn into violence. New offence of criminal exploitation of children Legal aid for victims of disasters or state-related deaths. Crack down on fraud and work with technology companies to stop online fraud.

Party Manifesto

Commit to community policing with visible officers focused on preventing and solving crimes, especially rape and violent crime. Ensuring survivors of violence against women and girls are properly supported in the criminal justice process. Statutory guarantee that all burglaries will be attended and investigated by police. Tackle the backlog of court cases for swift justice. Improve rehabilitation in prisons and on release and strengthen supervision of offenders. Set up an Online Crime Agency to effectively tackle illegal content. Scrap Police and Crime Commissioners and replace them with Boards of local representatives.
Party Manifesto

Commit to update the National Policy Planning Framework to undo damaging Conservative & restore mandatory housing targets. More planning officers funded by increase in rate of the stamp duty surcharge paid by non-UK residents. Take a brownfield first approach and prioritise release of lower quality ‘grey belt’ land. Reform compulsory purchase compensation rules. Prioritise building of new social rented homes with changes to the Affordable Homes Programme.
Party Manifesto

Commit to 380,000 new homes a year including 150,000 social homes. banning no-fault evictions, make three-year tenancies the default, and creating a
national register of licensed landlords. Give local authorities the right end Right to Buy. Scrap the Vagrancy Act. Abolish residential leaseholds and capping ground rents to a nominal fee. Build ten new garden cities.          
Party Manifesto