Green Party candidate Catherine Read answers questions from the public

In our recent survey, we asked what is important to you and what you would ask the candidate if you could meet them face-to-face. We will publish the most popular here and on our socialas once we've collated them all.

In the meantime, we put four specific questions to all three progressive candidates directly via email.

We have received the following answers from Catherine Read, the Green candidate.

Thank you Catherine.

1. I don't want to be forced to votetactically, so will you support electoral reform leading to PR (or something closer to PR than we have at the moment)

The Green Party have always called for a proportional and fair voting system and would replace the firstpast the post system for parliamentary and council elections with a proportional representation.

Our broken system cheats most voters and Parliament doesn’t reflect the way we vote. In Melksham and Devizes you have an opportunity to elect someone who will pressure the next government to make the seats match the votes, which we know is supported by most voters.

2. Do you agree that people should be free to follow the beliefs they choose, but that no particular religious beliefs shouldbe privileged or imposed, and that no religion or its leaders should have a privileged role in the legislature - and therefore the House of Lords should be reformed to remove the 26 seats reserved for bishops of the Church of England?

I am happy for people to follow their beliefs as I believe ina democratic society , one in which is free from discrimination whether based on race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion, social origin or anyother prejudice.

The Greens would abolish theHouse of Lords and replace with an elected second chamber.

3. What will you do about the shady money anddark links with think tanks?

Radical right wing think-tanks, refuse to disclose their donors and have had a malign influence over politics in the UK and they permeate through decision makers which undermines trust. I would like to see them out of our politics.

The Green Party would bring a fair politics act which would:

·       introducea fair system of state funding for political parties to eliminate interferenceof private donations

·       remove the cap on fines when political partieshave been found to have breached electoral law

·       strengthen the transparency laws rules onpolitical lobbying

·       make the work of think tanks transparent by establishing a legal entity for those that conduct policy research and policy education, with a requirement to disclose sources offunding.

4. What are your plans to help local businessesand retailers, e.g. will you work on Wiltshire Council to allow free parkingfor some days/hours  in towns such as Devizes / will you support ‘easy in’– ‘easy out’ schemes and reduced rates for a period for new businesses wishing to rent town centre premises?

I would work with WiltshireCouncil to bring in measures that ensured small business were helped to remainthe life blood of our local economy. I want to see a thriving high street andwould be open to consider what measures can be undertaken to create this. TheGreen Party would provide grants to insulate premises and put in energy savingfeatures to lower business bills.

See all candidates for Melksham & Devizes

Who is the tactical vote for Melksham & Devizes?