The First Primary has chosen a 'people's champion'

Lend your vote to stop the Tories

Great to see so many Green and Labour supporters in South Devon who are prepared to lend their vote to a different party for this election. At 'town hall' meetings, they selected the person they believe to be the best candidate for their seat.

Voters throughout the constituency will now be encouraged to support the successful Lib Dem candidate, Caroline Voaden, at the General Election.

If we all follow the example and vote together tactically for a single, viable opposition candidate who reflects our shared values, opposes corruption in government and the self-serving attitude of many MPs we will be in a better place.

If this happens nationally then we really will be challenging the tired First Past the Post system and laying the groundwork to push for Proportional Representation in the next parliament.

Primaries are showing that local people CAN make a difference.

Here in the new Melksham & Devizes constituecy, we are continuing liaising with local party activist from the progressive parties - this week Labour named their candidate, Kerry Postlewhite, and will be making contact to discuss the situation here to find out where she stands on local issues. The Greens already declared Catherine Read to be their candidate, and the Lib Dems have chosen Brian Mathew who is currently a Wiltshire Councillor.

See how positively people responded to the process in South Devon...