Public Q&A: The Economy

Topic: Economy
Committed to the public ownership of public services, so they are run to serve us all, rather than to increase the wealth of shareholders. Would push for a Green Economic Transformation to include £40 billion investment per year in the shift to a green economy. Bring the railways, water and energy companies into public ownership. Invest £12 billion in skills and training, equipping workers to play a full role in the green economy. Tax wealth fairly, aiming to raise an additional £50 to £70 billion per year.
Party Manifesto

Commit to deliver economic stability with tough spending rules. Develop a new partnership with business to boost growth everywhere. Keep corporation tax capped at 25%. Create a National Wealth Fund to invest in jobs in key sectors with £7 billion public investment. Reform planning rules to build 1.5 million new homes. Devolve power to cities and regions across England. Establish a New Deal for Working People, with improved worker rights and protections.
Party Manifesto

Commit to creating good jobs and prosperity in every region of the UK. Increase investment in green infrastructure, including renewable energy and zero-carbon transport, industry and housing. Make the tax system fairer and raise the money needed for our investment plans by reversing Conservative tax cuts for the big banks, increasing the Digital Services Tax on social media firms and other tech giants from 2% to 6%, and reforming capital gains tax to close loopholes exploited by the super wealthy.
Party Manifesto